Career Development Events
(Judging Teams)

Agriculture Mechanics
Coach: Mr. Luis Guerra
The agricultural mechanics event seeks to effectively prepare the students for the expectations of the agricultural mechanics workplace. Workers seeking careers in agricultural mechanics must not only develop a high degree of knowledge and skill they must also develop the ability to solve difficult problems. This event blends the testing of manipulative skills and knowledge required for careers in fabrication and construction.
Agriculture Welding
Coach: Mrs. Melissa Flory-Guerra
The agriculture welding contest seeks to evaluate the students manipulative skills, general knowledge and professional presentation as these correlate to his/her preparation for employment in the broad field of welding (agricultural, industrial, or other).
Best Informed Greenhand
Coach: Ms. Kanemoto
The objective of the Best Informed Greenhand contest is to understand the aims, purposes, history, and structure of the Local, State, and National FFA student organizations and know the opportunities it makes available as referenced in the current National FFA Manual and State Constitution.
Creed Recitation
Coach: Mr. Luis Guerra & Mrs. Barrueta
The FFA Creed outlines the organization’s beliefs regarding the agricultural industry, FFA membership and the value of citizenship and patriotism. The FFA Creed is recited by FFA members, as part of the requirements to earn the Greenhand Degree. The purpose of the Creed Speaking Career Development Event is to develop the public speaking abilities of 7th, 8th, and 9th grade FFA members as well as develop their self-confidence and contribute to their advancement in the FFA degree program.
Extemporaneous Public Speaking
Coach: Mrs. Shannon Powell
The FFA Extemporaneous Public Speaking competition is designed to develop the ability of all FFA members to express themselves on a given agricultural subject without having prepared or rehearsed its content in advance. This gives the FFA members an opportunity to formulate their remarks for presentation in a very limited amount of time. The event requires students to think on their feet, state their case quickly and persuasively, and to be able to answer relevant questions based upon their presentation.
Floriculture Judging
Coach: Ms. Sara Araujo
The Floriculture Career Development Event seeks to effectively prepare students for the expectations of the agricultural floral industry. The students seeking careers in the floricultural field must not only develop a high degree of knowledge and skill, they must also use critical thinking and oral communication skills. They will be able to demonstrate quality evaluation by judging potted foliage plants, cut flowers, flowering potted plants, and floral design classes. The students will identify the many cut flowers, potted plants, and tools and materials commonly used in the floral industry. Students will also construct a corsage and floral arrangement according to the floral industry standards.
Farm Power & Machinery
Coach: Mr. Luis Guerra
The Farm Power and Machinery Career Development Event competition allows students identify parts and farm equipment machinery, take a general knowledge test, troubleshoot tractors, and drive heavy machinery through an obstetrical course. This contest gives students the skills needed to either go work on a farm or to become a heavy equipment operator.
Fruit Tree Pruning
Coach: Mr. Marc DeBernardi
The Fruit Tree Pruning event seeks to effectively prepare the students to learn current agriculture pomology practices and procedures used in today’s industry. Workers seeking careers in agriculture must not only develop a high degree of knowledge and skill, they must also develop the ability to solve difficult problems. This event blends the testing of manipulative skills and knowledge required for careers in agriculture production.
Impromptu Public Speaking
Coach: Mr. Clemente Ayon
The purpose of the Impromptu Public Speaking competition is to foster and develop the speaking abilities of FFA members as well as develop their self-confidence and contribute to their advancement in inter-personal skill attainment and leadership development. The intention of the Impromptu Contest is to offer a more realistic, practical speaking contest to better prepare our students for public statements, media coverage, and general questions about the FFA and Agriculture Industry. Students will develop the valuable speaking skills necessary to be professional, competent public representatives of the FFA Organization and Agriculture Industry.
Job Interview
Coach: Mr. Marc DeBernardi & Mrs. Melissa Flory-Guerra
The Job Interview competition seeks to effectively prepare the students for the expectations of interviewing for available positions within the Agricultural Industry. Students seeking careers within the Agricultural Industry must not only develop a high degree of knowledge and skill; they must also develop the ability to interview through communication in both written and oral forms; and be able to complete a resume, cover letter and job application accurately.
Light Horse Evaluation
Coach: Ms. Kanemoto
The contest requires the students to evaluate and judge four classes of halter horses, based on conformation and two performance classes. They then give four sets of reasons individually and orally to a judge, defending their placings. Students build confidence and critical thinking skills through oral reasons.
Milk Quality & Dairy Foods
Coach: Mr. Mark Powell
The focus of this Career Development Event is on achievement of high quality raw milk, federal milk marketing orders and attributes of selected products of milk.​ The goal is to enhance learning activities related to milk quality, federal milk marketing, attributes of milk products and substitutes for them.
Nursery / Landscape
Coach: Mr. Marc DeBernardi
The Nursery/Landscape contest prepares students for careers in the nursery and landscaping. Topics include plant identification, plant physiology, soil science, plant reproduction, and nursery production, as well as landscaping design, installation, and maintenance.
Prepared Public Speaking
Coach: Mr. Mark Powell
The purpose of the Prepared Public Speaking competition is to foster and develop the speaking abilities of FFA members as well as develop their self confidence and contribute to their advancement in inter-personal skill attainment and leadership development.
Coach: Mrs. Amanda Rodriguez
The poultry Career Development Event seeks to effectively prepare the students for jobs in the poultry workforce. Workers seeking careers in poultry must develop a high degree of knowledge and must develop the ability to solve problems in the poultry industry. The contest blends practical hands-on experiences with a basic knowledge of the poultry industry required for careers in the poultry field.
Soil & Land Evaluation
Coach: Mr. Marc DeBernardi
The land event seeks to effectively make students aware of the value of soils in production agriculture, environment and society. Teams shall consist of three or four members. The scores of the three highest team members shall be used for the team score. All team members are eligible for individual awards.
Vegetable Crop Judging
Coach: Mrs. Shannon Powell
The purpose of the Vegetable Crop Judging Contest is to create interest and promote understanding in the vegetable crop industry by providing opportunities for recognition through the demonstration of skills and proficiencies. It is the intention of the contest to provide a venue for students to explore career opportunities, skills and proficiencies in the vegetable crop industry. The emphasis of this contest is to promote critical thinking, evaluation, oral and identification skills.
Veterinary Science
Coach: Mr. Clemente Ayon
The Veterinary Science event seeks to effectively prepare the students for the expectations of the animal health care and services (Veterinary Hospitals/Clinics, Grooming Facilities, Pet Stores, Kennels/Boarding Facilities, and Feed Stores) workplace. Workers seeking careers in the animal health care field must develop a high degree of knowledge, skill and ability to solve difficult problems. This event blends the testing of skills and knowledge required for careers in the animal science career pathway.
Field Day Competitions
Allan Hancock College
Arbuckle - Pierce High School​
Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo
Clovis - East High School
CSU Chico
CSU Fresno
Dinuba High School
Hartnell College
Le Grand High School
Merced Junior College
Modesto Junior College
Reedley Junior College
UC Davis
West Hills Junior College